Where can you find the explanation for “Top 5 used operating system versions” on https://analytics.home-assistant.io/?
It is the version of Home Assistant OS in use.
This is my understanding:
Many people run HA on HAOS - the operating system maintained by the developers of Home Assistant. Many versions of this have been released over time. Not everyone who uses HAOS updates to the latest version when a new version is released. As such, different users will be on different versions.
The pie chart shows the proportions of HAOS users who are using the 5 most-used versions.
And “Other” covers supervised, container and core installs that don’t use HA OS.
Hi @tom_l
I would have thought that ‘Other’ would be all other versions of HAOS that are in use - lumped together into a single pie slice.
What do I know.
Okay, thanks! Now I get it!
Maybe someone could change the heading to ‘Home Assistant OS’ to make it a little clearer. Is there any way to get stats for the underlying ‘host OS’ too?
No. You get what you see.
Could be. I’ll check.
While I’m waiting for a definitive answer I have come to suspect you are correct as it says:
Top 5 used operating system versions
Just a quick side note and somewhat OT: It might be intentional (or me sloppy searching) but I can’t find any link on the home page for analytics.home-assistant.io. So, to get there, I usually just Google ‘home assistant installation statistics.’ Anyhow, I’ve now saved the link for future use…
The integration is called Analytics:
Thanks, but that’s the analytics integration. I meant a link on the Home Assistant homepage.
It’s in the documentation, not on the home page. They can’t put everything on the home page.
Got it! But if you change your mind, I think it’d fit well at the bottom of the page under ‘System status.’
You overestimate my power
I’m a forum moderator not the webmaster.
You could add a feature request. Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community