What can we learn from Home Assistant Analytics?

It’s amazing to see that new Home Assistant installations are reporting in each day.
After nearly two weeks the count is 24716 active installations.

I noticed this integration count

Does this means there are at least 21418 Nabu Casa subscriptions?

Hardly… HA Cloud is enabled by default (even if you don’t use it directly), unless user manualy disables it.
So it’s more number of installations, where users left the “default_config:” line in the configuration.yaml :).

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I prefer my zwave dimmers to Hue for ceiling lights every day. I can still use the normal light switch as usual. With Hue I either also will have to buy their remotes and hang them on the wall and disable my regular switch or only use the app. I like it when everything works as normal and as expected with added smartness.

I think you posted in the wrong topic… :man_shrugging: