What is the difference between Core RAM and Supervisor RAM usage?

I was so happy to see my RAM usage only was about 3% in my selfmade RAM sensor on my HA RPI 4 4GB


But then I saw the new system metrics display and here I can see what my sensor actually measured and that was not my Core RAM Usage apparently - but what is this Core RAM showing and is it “healthy” on my PI?

I have another HA running on a RPI 3B without NodeRED and only with a few no. of sensors and lights with a way lower usage measuring:

How did you create your own sensor?

Core RAM is the RAM used by Home Assistant Core and Supervisor RAM is the RAM used by the Supervisor, these are two separate Docker Containers.

And yes, that’s healthy. Even if it were at 90%, unused RAM is wasted RAM :slight_smile: if you don’t have any issues like your system getting slow or similar, then you don’t need to worry about it.


Thanks good to know :+1:

I use Systemmonitor for the Memory sensor: