What tablets are usable for HA?

I did found an old Samsung note 10.1 tablet with android 4.1.2 on it.
So I thought, thats is nice to use to run the HA app on it.
I recognized that is not possible because the Android version is not usable with HA.

My question is what tablets are usable in combination with the HA app?
What are minimum operating systems for:

  • Ipad
  • Windows tablet
  • Android tablet

Or is it still possible to use the android 4.1.2 tablet?

The app stores tell you what version of each OS is required.

Android requires 5.0 or better.

(I dont use IOS)

Otherwise you can just use a web browser on either tablet, so you should be able to use the old Android 4.1.2 tablet and use Chrome rather than the official app. Not sure if there are other dependencies though… test it and find out.

I’ve found my 2 old tablets on Android 4.4 won’t work well with Chrome due to some change in Webview from Android 4 to 5. For example, my Hubitat dashboards are black screens using Fully Kiosk. However, Firefox works on those tablets for dashboards. I’ve never tried to access Home Assistant with the old tablets though.

Thanks for the answer.
But webbrowser also not working with android 4.1.2

Time to throw it in the bin.