What the heck?! 2023?

What happened to the annual WTF feedback? After the “year of the voice “,I feel the need to provide some feedback. Home Assistant doesn’t provide, to my knowledge, how many users use the voice features, but my guess is less than 5%

Here is a crazy idea. How about making 2024 about integrating stuff people actually use? You must have stats on the top 10 -20 HACS addins or plugins people use. Why not make those things top priority? Rather than make HACS developers a pariah, how about recognize their incredible work and welcoming officially these””addons” into the official sponsor integrations? Is home assistant still open source?

Have you ever wondered why you have to offer so many warnings about HACS? Is it because the HASSOS is so sound? Please! You may need a reminder of where you came from and where you would be without the contributions of so many nameless actors. If a “plugin” is jeopardizing the stability of your OS, which is the problem the addin or the OS?

Please. Drop the personal ideas about what you think users want.,Remember your roots,. Make 2024 about giving people what they always use. You already know what people use.,Let’s focus on making those things apart of the core platform.

Above all else, never make a contributior to this platform feel like what he/she is contributing is “spooky”. Have we really forgotten so much about where this platform has come from that you are going to stab a knife in the back of those who helped make this platform possible?

No more years of the voice until we at least have a couple of years of the voice of the users of home assistant.

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