What renter friendly outdoor camera do you use, and how is it’s Home Assistant integration? I know the tradeoffs of using battery vs wired, but I am a home renter and cannot run new cables. I could however feed a small cable through a window and plug it in inside.
I’ve been considering the Blink camera, but haven’t seen good things about it’s night vision. I do like the work that @fronzbot has done and how may options are available.
I wish the Wyze cam had a supported (community or otherwise) integration available too.
What do you use for outdoor camera that integrates well?
I have a multitude of cameras for my garage, backyard and driveway.
I also have a box of cameras that I either never could get to work or the cloud host no longer exists. And one that is pretty good but the setup is an absolute pain in the A**.
The Amcrest IP3M-943B is focused on my driveway. It gives a pretty darned good image for its price, but the WiFi setup is a nightmare. In my case requiring two ladders, a 50 ft Ethernet cable and a laptop. Plus two hours.
The garage camera is a Wyze Cam V2 with the RTSP hack. The back yard camera is also a Wyze Cam V2 (with RTSP) in a third-party outdoor case.
Oh, I forgot my porch camera. It’s a HooToo HT-IP212F. Crappy picture, out of focus, but it’s good enough to see if I have a package.
Generally I like the Wyze Cam V2. With the RTSP hack, it integrates easily with Home Assistant. My negative on the Wyze is that the field of vision is too wide. When I put one on my porch camera, I could see the porch and the whole front yard. Even though it has a better image than the HooToo (a pretty low bar), I would have difficulty determining if there was a small package there. On the plus side, the Wyze Cam V2 is easily worth the $25 price on Amazon.
My strongest recommendation is to avoid anything requiring the manufacturers cloud for access.