I’d like to investigate when I changed some configuration in HA. Knowing a date of creation of some entity (automation, input number, history stats) would be helpful. However, I don’t have recorder turned on, so I am afraid that no data (except energy consumption) is kept for months. Is there any hope to get at least some hint?
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I Also sometimes feel there sometimes is a lack “timestamps” as you, for i.e creation of automations etc.
Installing timestamp of integrations/add-ons, and in " Last Update Timestamps " of same.
( Well Add-ons use to be backed up during Update, so you could see it there, if it’s not 6-month, or so ago
As now i guess one self has to keep track of such, one way or the other
PS: But i guess you need a good “use-case” for Dev’s to concentrate on this
My use case is probably quite specific. I got some data related to my costs of heating last year. I suspect one automation, but I don’t remember when I added it.