Whenite - How to simplify your automations

I would like to share a project I’m currently working on with the objective of simplifying the creation of automations. It’s called Whenite! (can be accessed here: http://whenite-aulas.ws.atnog.av.it.pt/ )
We all know that deal with yaml files to create automations isn’t so easy how it looks, so Whenite solve that problem.
Would like that you try it and give me feedback what you think about Whenite.

Best Regards,
Carlos Soares


Looks like a really interesting project. Can’t wait to test!

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I don’t know that. I find YAML very easy and logical. :slight_smile:

I wont be using it but your automation looks excellent. This is how you get novices hooked on home assistant.

Any plans for multiple triggers/conditions/actions (with AND/OR logic)?

If you connect many triggers to a condition node, automatically is converted to multiple triggers with an AND logic. in the same way, if u put many nodes sequentially, they represent multiple conditions with the AND logic.
Only the node that has no outputs is considered a action :smiley: (you can have multiple actions too)

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Looks really interesting and eager to try, but I am not going to give access to my homeassistant config to some website…

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Oh wait, what?

Yeah not running locally (as an addon?) is a deal breaker.

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For it to work it needs to be able to be installed locally :slight_smile:

All the platform run locally, only on client side. i only use the APIs to get the devices.
The authentication is provided by HA. The only communication to the internet is to send console bugs.

The idea is an open-source project so the code will be provided on Github to allow you to use it on your local network!
It’s in a test phase right now.

Hi everyone,

This is part of @carlosmlsoares Master thesis at the University of Aveiro, where I’m his supervisor.

As Carlos mentions there is nothing running at the server, you can actually turn off your internet connection after loading the site (this was a project requirement). Soon Carlos will make the source available so you can audit what it does.

Meanwhile he could use your help testing and validating his concept.


Well, since you are a contributor to HA, I’m going to test it.

This project really looks promising! Best of both worlds, node-red and yaml. Perfect for onboarding and beyond. And people can ultimately learn yaml from it and move to it when they want to go further then the scope of this editor. Perfect!

On the bad side: I don’t like ‘flow-chart programming’, it reminds me of my SQL Server SSIS nightmares.

On the good side: it creates readable yaml, and not the unreadable device automation that the automation editor creates.

You really should create a PR to get it included in HA. It would be good for newbies.


Make it local u can count me in

I second that: make it available locally and I will do all the testing you want!

EDIT: pulled the code off Github, but it does not run locally (the popup to connect to homeassistant is missing)

Site has been retired, but code is still available at GitHub - carlosmlsoares/Whenite