Where are we going now again?

I can’t understand it anymore…

Some time ago:
Forced to ditch Ubuntu for Debian to stay supported. OK, whatever floats your boat. But I did, what is asked to stay supported.

In just a few weeks:
Z-wave migration forced - quiet heavy task for a regular user. Had headaches with it, but ok, got it done.

DLNA autodiscovery abruptly removed, with that 1 problem solved made 10 new problems. Like, my DLNA WiFI player is now dead, no way to fix it.

Tuya integration - I don’t have any Tuya, but seeing HA change its way towards manufacturer made integrations is scarry… Remembering the Ewelink issue from the past…

And today i found out, that my installation is unsupported again. Because of Portainer… Really? Really? Because of Portainer?

Where are we going?
What’is next? Ditching HACS? Closing configuration.yaml for editing?

Are we really going to make things harder now?

Tell me, I’m wrong, please…

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