Where can I find my plex.py file?

Hi guys! A complete newbie here, trying for the last 2 hours to find the answer to my question:

where is the plex.py (sensor) file on my HA?

I have an Hassio installation, connected with Plex and what to change the refresh interval. It’s supposed to be in components folder but I can’t find any such folder in Configurator. I’m obviously doing something very wrong. :smiley:

What do you want with this file ?
a locate on your machine could find it !

on my configuration :slight_smile:

gano@gano-vm:~/.homeassistant$ locate plex.py

For your information ; you haven’t to change this file to configure Plex with Home Assistant, this file allow to create this connectivity.
Your changes must be in the .yml files.

Thanks for your reply!

I want Plex to refresh playing status faster than it is doing it right now. Right now it takes about 15 seconds for HA to figure out something is playing on Plex. I’d like it to be 2-3 sec and I see in .py files that the refresh rates are 1 minute.


In my case i had a rasplex connected to my plex server.
Everything worked fine.

After i got a Nvidia Shield which play role of server and client Plex.

Since i change to my nvidia shield, my lights takes 5-15sec to lights off after plex play.

if your problem is the same, i have no solution.

It seems that the plex component in Home Assistant check each “?” seconds …
I never find a good workaround for that. Nevertheless i never meet this problem on rasplex…

any luck with reducing the refresh rate?