Where can I find these security gadgets?

I’m planning my security system for my home ( still not wired ) and I’m finding it quite challenging to find the right gadgets for my needs. I’ve decided to go ZigBee for my wireless devices and the Conbee 2 is on it’s way but when possible I’d prefer PoE. If some HA Lovers here can point me out some devices from the list below, it would be nice and super appreciated!

  • Siren - I would like to place one outside in my balcony, if possible runs on PoE.
  • Camera - I will need 3; 2 outdoors and 1 indoor, preferably same cam everywhere. I would like a dome or turret, at least 1080p but it doesn’t need to pan, tilt or zoom, although it’s a nice to have. Must have PoE and night vision.
  • Door sensor - I ordered one already for testing; here, would still like to hear your suggestions.
  • Glass break detector - Zigbee, small and reliable.

Bonus question :rofl: : If someone can point me to some info how HA controls PoE devices ( software-wise ) I would super duper appreciate!

Might help people if you give people an indication of which country you live in and an idea of budget for the cameras.

Sure, I live in Malta ( EU ) and budget I’m not really concerned as long as I get what I need.

I’m not sure on your use case for HA wanting to control PoE unless i have mistaken something, could you elaborate?

I have a simple 12v siren using a sonoff switch to trigger it (lots of them on ebay), it also flashes :slight_smile:

I’m new in this space so I might be talking gibberish haha…

But I like the idea of PoE because I find it more practical, reliable and convenient ( and wiring it’s not an issue ) - from what I have been reading of course, as I didn’t try anything yet. So if there is a possibility I would go for PoE, but thanks I will search about what you have mentioned, using sonoff switches.

As for cameras, I actually found a really good and recent comparison review by The Hookup here

Poe will all depend on the switch you have. You will only really be able to control on or off with pie. I would suggest the ubiquiti kit. There are native integrations into HA.

Siren, you wont need PoE as a battery will last you a long while… go with a zigbee or z-wave model for comms

camera’s I would go for hikvision 2.8mm h265

Door and glass… have a look at the xiaomi stuff… really cheap and quite reliable connect these to a conbee for zigbee…

good luck