Where can I see the full name of the YR Platform Entities?

Hi, I am trying templates to display the wind speed provided by the YR platform in km/h (instead of mps). Where can I find the identity (names) of the YR entity states (with the exact syntax)? I have searched in the entity_registry.yaml, as well as in the States menu (under developers tools) and logbook, but I only see the entities for my Z-Wave devices.

Can anybody please help?

Should be sensor.yr_wind_speed.

Thanks! I just realized that for some reason the YR entities did not appear in the states menu after I renamed the YR platform using the “Name” variable. After I removed the name all the YR entities appear the list.


That’s weird. Although I haven’t tried it I would have assumed they would have shown up as sensor.name_xyz, like sensor.name_wind_speed. Oh well, glad you got it working.

I just have another issue, though. I would like the displayed value in the front end to be rounded to the first decimal point. However the actual wind speed shows 2 digits after the decimal point (10.08). here’s my template:

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘Vent’
    value_template: ‘{{ states.sensor.temperature_ext_wind_speed.state | float * 3.6 | round (1) }}’

Any thoughts?

You need parentheses around the stuff before | round. So:

value_template: '{{ (states("sensor.temperature_ext_wind_speed")|float*3.6)|round(1) }}'
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You ROCK!!! Thanks a bunch!!! :slight_smile:

No problem. Trial and error. (I got bit by this exact thing before.) Remember, the Templates page in the frontend is your friend! :slight_smile: