Where Did My YAML Files Go?


When I first set up my HA instance a few months ago, I installed Studio Code Server for some updates to my configuration files. Then I didn’t use it for a while… now, when I go into Studio Code Server, nothing is recognizable and I can’t find my .YAML files anywhere. What am I missing? Am I looking in the wrong spots? Did an update brick Studio Code Server?

Thanks in advance!

If you have auto-update enabled for the Studio Code Server addon, I’d vote for this. I remember at one update the settings got reset so the addon didn’t know the “root folder” anymore.

So everything should still be there, it’s just not visible in the default. It can be set again. Unfortunately, my HA is down since 1 hour because of a sqlite3.OperationalError: locking protocol error so I can’t check the setting for you.