Where do I have to set a Unique_ID?

I installed manually a Soundbar to my HA, but when I goto the Settings I’ll get this Error:

This entity (“media_player.yamahasrx40a”) does not have a unique ID, so the settings cannot be managed via the UI. Check the documentation for more details.

and when I set a Unique_ID in the configuration.yaml I’ll get an error from the Config check to:

Invalid config for ‘yamaha_soundbar’ from integration ‘media_player’ at configuration.yaml, line 21: ‘unique_id’ is an invalid option for ‘media_player.yamaha_soundbar’, check: unique_id

This is who I set it:

  - platform: yamaha_soundbar
    name: YamahaSRX40A # To name your sources (optional)
    unique_id: "YamahaSRX40A-1234"
        'HDMI': 'TV', 
        'optical': 'TVopto', 
        'bluetooth': 'Bluetooth',

I can’t fully solve your problem but I am curious on where you found out that you could use - platform: yamaha_soundbar ? I don’t see this option on the integration page for HA. unique_id: is an option for the universal media player though.

Assuming you used this:

It does not support a unique id. Ask the developer to add it.

Also it is not an error. It is a message informing you of what is possible.

Yes I use the osk2/yamaha-soundbar, but it don’t work. HA can’t connect, I thought, it’s cause of the Unique_ID

Adding a unique id would certainly stop it from working as the integration does not support this option.

Not having a unique id would not stop the integration from working. There are many integrations that do not support unique id that work very well.

A unique id just lets you configure some things from the frontend UI rather than using YAML.

If you have removed the unique id and restarted home assistant and it is still not connected then there is something else wrong.

Contact the developer for support on github (new issue) for the 3rd party soundbar integration (looks like you have already done this).