Where is /share located?

I’m using the Homarr add-on and I’d like to back it up. I read (can’t find the link now) that it’s config / backup is saved under /share

When I access HA via Visual Studio Code, I can’t seem to locate this folder, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. Would anyone know where this folder is located in HA?


  1. Homarr is a dashboard that allows you to monitor your services/servers. You run it as an Add-On in Home Assistant.
  2. I have since switched to Uptime Kuma

2025-02-02_22-36 file structure in HA

It’s in the root directory /share

What is Homarr?
Their own web page doesn’t give much clue.

I use the Samba Share add-on, and my share folder is in /home

I use the Samba Share add-on too, and I have /home and /share. They’re both empty, probably because I’m not sharing anything or using an add-on that needs it? 1yr newbie still learning my way around…

Addons are containers and generally have their own filesystem, but they can mount directories from the HA container too.
You will have to ask the maintainer of the addon or try your way forward by putting a file there in one container and see if it also appear in the other container.

Thanks everyone for your quick replies. I did in fact have to install Samba to see the `/share’ folder.

Follow-up question, why is it that the /share can not be seen from the Visual Studio Code file explorer and instead you need samba to access it?

Solution for anyone in the future

  1. I installed Homarr as an Add-On
    • Home Assistant > Settings > Add-Ons > Add-on Store > search for Homarr > install it and run service.
  2. Install Samba Share Add-On in Home Assistant
    Home Assistant > Settings > Add-Ons > Add-on Store > search for Samba Share > install it > go to configuration to setup a username and password > start service.
  3. From your operating system (Linux, macOS, Windows) access the samba share
    • on Linux go to your File Explorer and in the address bar type in smb://x.x.x.x where it’s the IP address of your Home Assistant. Use the username and password you setup in the SMB Add-On
  4. Then you will see the /share folder there.

It so happens I also learned about Uptime Kuma which I like better as a dashboard service because it also gives you a history of your services being ONLINE / OFFLINE.

2025-02-02_22-36 smb share file structure in HA

Directories seen in Samba and websites might not be named the same in the file system on HA.
Also HA addons can be limited in access to the HA system with protection mode in the addon settings.