since a couple of hours I try to get a “somehow” nice card, that shows the door status of our garage.
I want to see the word “closed” if its closed “Open” if its open, and choose an different icon for closed/open.
I have HA 2024.2.3 running with IMHO all needed Extensions (default installation plus addons), but maybe I need to check for one or the other extension that supports my problem.
I went to Setup → helper and used the template.
I assumed I could there use
value: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.shelly1minig3_84fce636a7a0_input_0_input', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
icon: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.shelly1minig3_84fce636a7a0_input_0_input', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
But if the garage is e.g. closed it gives:
evalue: > zu icon: > mdi:garage
which “somehow” is what I wanted
I than stayed with
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.shelly1minig3_84fce636a7a0_input_0_input', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
which is a start, but I definitely miss the icon change there.
I have the feeling that I have to wrap around some HTML/CSS/whatever “somehow”, that I see the icons, but I also think, that I am on the totally wrong track, if I want the Icon at the card changed as well.
I read thru some threads here, but I can’t avoid the feeling, that I am doing something basic very wrong.
I also tried to use the developer → template but this gives similar examples than above,. I think I am missing a big understandingh, but cannot find a good way how to implement such a IMHO simple thing.
I really assume, that this is an rtfm, so a pointer for a newby to “tfm” would really make me “r” it.
So my question is:
is the start with the Setup → helper the right one, or do I have to start the whole thing with
and learn the whole jinja templatig. Or is there an easier start for someone new to HA?
many thanks for your help