Where to get Mobile App names/ids for notification groups?

Hi all,

In the documentation for mobile app nofitications it gives the following advice on creating groups:

To send notifications to multiple devices, create a notification group:

  - name: ALL_DEVICES
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_iphone_one
      - service: mobile_app_iphone_two
      - service: mobile_app_ipad_one
      - service: mobile_app_pixel_4_xl

But where do you get the ids of those mobile app definitions from? I can’t find them anywhere in the UI.

In the Device defintion it’s nowhere to be found:


Go to Developer Tools → Services and enter notify. you should then see the different otify services.


Where do I get the device names from a list of device identifiers in a blueprint?

I ended up with this, which works at least for my device. I’m not sure if this should work in general:

notify.mobile_app_{{ device_attr(deviceId, "name") | regex_replace(find=' ', replace='_', ignorecase=False) | lower }}

where your deviceId is the identifier of the device.

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