HA OS, Container, Supervised & Core. Which one(s) can do the following?
I’m very new to Home Assistant and followed the Install HA OS (recommended) procedure for a Rasp Pi 4 w/ 8GB. Played a little with the HA CLI and then moved over to the browser, adding VSC, editing config.yaml to add a switch on the rpi_gpio platform and display the CPU temp. Now I want to run shell commands as services which run python scripts, start daemons, etc. But I can’t figure out how to navigate the file structure.
Specifically, if my yaml entry is “my_script: bash /config/shell/script.sh”, how do get at (or create) the /config/shell directory to put my script file in there? I can’t figure it out from the HA CLI and a Win 10 PC thinks the SD Card is unreadable and needs formatting. Am I missing something really basic or is it just not possible with the installation I’ve chosen?
If the latter, which other HA install path would be advisable?