Which ip should i put in smabha share during configuration?

Hi i was trynna add this sambha share addon on my home assistant but i wasn’t able to make it work i tried diffrent ips. So if anyone can tell me which ip address do i have to put in that would be great.
Thanks in advance.


If you are on Windows you use \\<IP_ADDRESS>\, if you are on MacOS you use smb://<IP_ADDRESS> to connect to the shares.

So i can put any ip during configuration of samba share?

You don’t put any IP address in when configuring samba share. The files are served from the IP address of your home assistant computer.

Here is my config, in yaml

username: redacted
password: redacted
workgroup: WORKGROUP
compatibility_mode: false
  - ._*
  - .DS_Store
  - Thumbs.db
  - icon?
  - .Trashes
  - fe80::/10
interface: ''

I don’t believe I changed anything other than the username and passwd.

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alright then i dont really have to mess with allowed hosts. Thanks man that really helped out. But I tried it without changing that and I opened network but I wasn’t able to discover home assistant…

Your LAN should be within one of those allowed address ranges. If it isn’t, then you have one screwed up lan :slight_smile:

honestly it shows the same ip addresses as yours

so any suggestions?

Suggestions for what?

i tried adding my network’s ip and then searching it on network it just shows the folder empty

Your “network” does not have an IP.

It is really difficult to know what is happening without logs or configuration.

What is the IP of your HA machine?

What is the configuration of the samba addon? (in yaml like I did above)

What operating system are you running on the device that is trying to access samba oon the HA machine.

What did you enter on that machine and in which program did you enter it?

What does the log of the samba addon say?

hey man i am sorry i got it now i feel so stupid now i was trying to search in network by my LAN Ip but i just got it i gotta search my HA
Thanks for all the help you are really helpful
Thanks a lot