Which motion sensor with philips hue?

I want to buy a motion sensor to work with my hue lights via home assistant. I don’t have a zwave hub and would like to ask you which one works better with home assistant.

Ideally should be small in size, and if it offers other monitoring conditions such as temperature etc would be preferred.

Any suggestions?

I use pir sensors with 433mhz. They are cheap, circa 4 euros each. You the do need a rfx possibility on your raspberry. There are more possibilities. I think the easiest is using the rfxcom. When you have this, you can use everything working on 433mhz (motion/ temperature humidity / smoke / door sensor / leakage etc etc)
The only disadvantage of 433 MHz devices is that you don’t get status of the device. With the hue bulbs you can always check the status when you switched it on. With the 433 MHz you only can assume that your on command has arrived at the switch.

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do you have anylinks to the motion sensors?

I too would like a couple of cheapo’s.

hi palitu,
here’s a link to aliexpress. here I bought al of the 433 motion sensors/smoke sensors etc.

you just need to make your device compatible with 433 mhz. I use an arduino which is putting the code/commands from the 433 devices to mqtt and the other way around. Already made a lot of automations using these sensors in combination with the hue and pushbullet.


I use Wireless tags they send URL comands to the hue hub which then turn on the lights or group of lights. These tags also have humidity and temp monitoring among other things. They dont necessarily link up with HA but they can communicate via the Restful API if you’re good with that sort of thing.

@jeasy - can you explain more about the tags and how you have them sending the URL commands to a hue hub? I thought those things required their own hub and were cloud based tags effectively. I get the restful api thought - but can you change how/where those tags report into or something? Just curious how you put it together…


Youre right, tags communicate to their own hub which then process the info using the “cloud” to send the HTTP commands. here is an example of one of motion sensor configured with Hue: http://imgur.com/1MlEwzF and http://imgur.com/9uJ7sq9 pretty sure the process is handled in the cloud and then the local hub sends the command. I know its not ideal with the cloud but the services has worked well for me for over a year now.

@jeasy - thanks for clearing that up for me. I looked into those wireless tags EXTENSIVELY a while back to monitor a freezer and fridge in the garage - but didn’t like the idea of needing internet to have them working. I LOVE the idea of the tags, their range and how small they are etc - but the cloud part is not going away any time soon from what I can see in the forums. I’ve not read on them in a while, maybe that idea is coming about. Thanks for sharing your info and insight on this - I appreciate it much!!

exist a ready made item for this?

Hi claudio, i used the bridge from Perrin.
Depending on your arduino you have to change the script I think.

Thanks Bart, I am totally new to this. I see that Arduino is a motherboard. DOes exist a finished consumer product, or sort of?

He Claudio, what kind of hardware do you use right now? Don’t you have any 433mhz hardware right now? In that case there are very simple solutions. Just buy a rfxcom. You better first check the hass website. They support some 433 receivers in the software. So you don’t have to program anything then.