Should I use a model “B” or B+"
64bit or 32bit?
The images page says model B 32 bit is recommended but that info seem old.
Should I use a model “B” or B+"
64bit or 32bit?
The images page says model B 32 bit is recommended but that info seem old.
There’s no Raspberry Pi 4 B+, only a 4 B. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ or Raspberry Pi 4 B is recommended. 32-bit image. What makes you think that info is old?
I would of sworn I saw a B+ advertised, but now cannot find it. I must be loosing my mind. That’s why I though the info was old.Sorry.
So the 32bit image will run on the 64bit cpu PI?
All good. Yes, you can use the 32-bit image.
Great. I will order it today. Thank you
This worked out great. Thanks again