Which Ubiquiti UniFi hardware?


I need some advice for my home setup but I’m a bit lost with all the options. The hardware should work with the HA UniFi integration. Hence, prerequisite for the integration is: “This integration supports all UniFi OS Consoles that run UniFi Network. It also supports self hosted versions of UniFi Network.”

What I’m looking for:

  • 1 managed 48 port POE switch, ~15 POE ports (more is better), >200W POE power supply
  • 4 wireless access point, POE powered, MESH
  • 1 outdoor wireless access point, POE powered, MESH

I would like to avoid buying unnecessary expensive hardware but I also don’t want to buy feature-lacking hardware. D

Thank you in advance for your recommendations!

Are you looking for non unifi hardware to use with a unifi controller? You can use non unfi hardware but you will lose a lot of functionality that the controller supplies.

When using non unifi ap’s there is no logical switching. Basically a device needs to lose it’s connection before it will connect to another ap. If they are all unifi ap’s they will hand off a device as soon as another ap has a stronger signal.

I think it would be best to use unifi hardware only.

You don’t need mesh if you are PoE powering the APs from your switch. Just find the suitable alternatives to your budget / specs and you’ll be fine. Are you not going to use a router from the Unifi-series?

I’ve been running Unifi for a long time, they are solid products.

Cable everything, do not use mesh.

Do you have a recommendation for tge access points, if I don’t need mesh?

the router will be supplied by the provider.

As long as they support PoE you can run them without meshing. If your provided router can do bridge mode I would recommend a Unifi router as well, that way you get the whole experience.

I run a mix of APs as a consequence of having Unifi for many years. An AC Lite in the garage, a Nano HD and a U6 Lite. Switch-wise I run XG6s, Flex and a couple of Flex minis. UDM non pro as the router.

How / why did you determine these initial specifications? I ask because I don’t understand the requirements that are driving these specifications. For example, have you already accounted for:

The total number of wired devices? POE devices?
Total wireless clients?
Is 1Gb wired speed ok or do you need more?
Max wireless speed you need and why?
Using less access points with better range (why 4 APs)?

Me too :slightly_smiling_face: So, what features do you need / want? And what is your budget?

I too have been using Ubiquiti / Unifi equipment for many years and I am very happy with it. I have nanoHD and Flex HD access points connected to a Unifi 24 port POE switch. My CloudKey Gen 2+ manages everything including my Unifi Protect cameras. And the Home Assistant integration is great. But what works for me may not work for you :slightly_smiling_face:

  • The total number of patchcables connected to the switch will be around 40+. Some of them will end in empty wall sockets. POE devices will be between 15-20 (10 Reolink cameras, 3-4 access points, 2 camera doorbells, 3 fingerprint reader, etc).
  • Wireless clients will probably be 20-40. so not so much.
  • The netwerk will be used for internet, streaming on 4-5 devices simultanously, multiroom audio, sharing files on a NAS. I think 1Gb would be enough for that.
  • As long as the wireless speed is enough for the above use cases, it will be fine.
  • Maybe it will work with 3 APs. I think I need two for the ground floor and one for the first floor.

I don’t have a dedicated budget, but I don’t want to spend money unnecessarely.

Have you tried Unifi design centre, its great to see what the coverage of their APs is (and plan the rest, including switches and the wiring etc)

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Not yet. Ground floor is aroundt 4000 sq ft. I haven’t found an AP covering the whole area. Maybe the APs on the ground floor work on the first floor as well. But there is a steel/concrete ceiling in between. That’s why I probably need 3-4 APs.