White list when using automatic ip banning

Is it possible to create a white list for specific ip addresses and/or subnets when using the automatic ip banning function?
I don’t know why but my own WAN ip gets blocked about every other day. I know it is triggered by my own phone because the ban is sometimes created when I try to access the HA page.
So a white list configuration would help a lot.

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Check out trusted networks.

Thanks, that would be a helpful configuration item to overcome the main issue.

beware to keep the homeassistant provider while you add the trusted_networks configuration :wink:

    - type: trusted_networks
      allow_bypass_login: true
    - type: homeassistant

Hey, this has started to happen for me as well. Usually when I’m using HA I get blocked at the same time. Did you find the root cause of it? Or a good solution (I don’t want to use trusted networks because I want password to be used everywhere).