Who changed the light level (or other states)?

I would like to make various automations back off when anything else overrides it, being manual change with a light switch, from web interface etc. Currently, my light automation remembers its last setpoint and compares changes to that, but it is not very good as some dimmers round to a different number, and sometimes they even report wrong level.

Are there other ways to find the source of the state change? I read something about “attribution” in a future version, maybe that could be a solution?

Yes, context is coming soon. That will tell you the source of the change.

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Awesome! Can you tell a bit more - how can HASS keep track when the reports are “asynchronous” (I think for Z-Wave, after I send a command, a seemingly unrelated report is given back with no sequence number or unique ID)?

Let us wait until the feature is available and then we will know how it will work with different entities/events.

I see that attribution/context should be available, but cannot find any info in the forums or documentation. Has anyone tried?

Any news on this?