Who has got snips working on Hassio?

The SQL file is not from the Snips addon, but “Snips Queries”. Correct?
That works, but then you have to install all other addons as well.

Best to stick to Snips for now

Let me try this. But I’m afraid I have to switch back to my old setup. Good old aio installer :wink: well…anyway I’ll give it a try

Bridge error is now fixed in my repository

There was an empty line missing ate the end of the mosquitto.conf.
Update and it should work

OK…sounds nice. I might give it a try.I’m actually copying my old SD card …dunno why hassio fails. Is there a bug fix already? 0.61.1 out? I had still the dev thing for hassio

I dunno what’s wrong but sqlite error appears all the time .

what sqllite error?

IO disk error.SD card is ok

I really can’t see that error anywhere in the links you have posted here

that might be cause i did not post it :slight_smile: It is hassio related and not snips.

Dumb question…is it possible to install your repo without hassio?

You can clone it with git and then build the docker images :slight_smile:
That is what hass io does for you, but you can do it manually.

This is my last final missing feature

If you have HA installed with apt just use the apt install from Snips. Will be much easier than using the docker container.

Never mind I got it working

@Romkabouter did you have to do anything to get mqtt messages going across? I have snips detecting intents but they don’t seem to be making it into hassio

I posted an updated snips version here if anyone wants to poke at it

Did you use custom intents?
I have a Pi3 with hassio and my snips addon and I have HA running on my NAS
The NAS and the Pi3 both have the MQTT addon, the NAS has NodeRed addon.

I have done this, because the audioserver part publishes the messages to MQTT and I did not want to have the impact on the network bandwidth.
My setup works as follows:

  • Pi3 has Snips from my repository, which uses the local MQTT to publish to.
  • The NodeRed add on on the NAS has a flow, which listens to the topic hermes/intent/Romkabouter:Covers on the Pi3 and publishes the message like a relay to the NAS, on the same topic.

The configuration on the NAS is (without the Romkabouter: part!):

      - service_template: cover.{{ actionType | lower }}_cover
          entity_id: cover.rolluik_{% if whichCover == "back" %}achter{% elif whichCover == "front" %}voor{% elif whichCover == "right" %}zijkant_voor{% elif whichCover == "left" %}zijkant_achter{% endif %}

I am dutch and gave the covers Dutch names, so I needed to create if else statements for the slot types.
The config on the Pi3 is:

      type: plain
      text: 'Allright, {{ actionType }}ing the {{ whichCover }} cover.'

The result is the Pi3 handling the intent and the talking back, but relaying the intent to the NAS, which actually does the work and closes or opens the wanted cover.

After that I have split up the Snips services and created an add-on per service. I also created a Snowboy Hotword add on, which I have now listening to a custom hotword :slight_smile:

The intents it calls are builtin to hass in the conversation and shopping_list components. HassTurnOn, HassTurnOff (turns on or off an entity which is matched via some fuzzy text matching), HassShoppingListAddItem and HassShoppingListListItems.

The new official hassio addon only publishes/bridges the intents and a few other topics (hotword and such). All audio is only published to it’s internal broker.

The new addon also will look for a custom snips.toml and will copy that in if it finds it. Which if you update and use the new version you could change the asr to use google if you wanted, and set up a custom_tts (I use amazon polly) which means you could set this all up in Dutch if you wanted!

And you may know this, but snips now supports speech responses for intents as long as you have your mqtt broker properly bridged to send the hermes/dialogueManager/# topics back. That’s how the new addon supports tts responses to those intents.

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I am working on extending those intents to other components https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/12087 with the idea being that for more basic needs you could just use the hass bundle on the snips console and control things like covers which wouldn’t work directly since you have to map them but I am thinking about building a mapping function in as well. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements.

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ok cool, sounds great.
I know I can set it up with Dutch, but I do not want to use cloud services in any way for voice functions.

That is why I am now working on an add-on ASR using Kaldi, but I have limited time :slight_smile:

Yeah, official dutch support is probably far off. You can definitely configure the out. For tts you can use something like espeak, flite or festival which all support other languages.