Edit: Moved out of WTH
I had a Home Assistant install setup and integrated into a small home system on a Raspberry Pi 3. I mirrored the approach that Frenck had with all his configuration in a git repository. One day I had made some changes that I wanted to revert but the version control wouldn’t pull the new branch because I had “pending changes”. Being a developer and user of git, I went to the console to use my git-fu. However, I wasn’t thinking. Instead of doing a variation of “git reset”, I decided to run “git clean -fdX”. A recent offline backup would have saved me, but, I didnt have that.
I have been waiting for the USB boot, Raspberry 4 version to be available. Recent commits show this feature is being worked on and may be in a beta. I plan getting my system back soon.
Thanks for all the hard work.