Why is Merkury not listed on the Integrations page?

I am sure the Merkury products are quite popular, since they are widely available at Walmart, and are the cheapest smart devices around. I searched the Integrations page, [ Integrations - Home Assistant ], but it doesn’t show up.

I am totally new to Home Assistant, and don’t even have a system running it yet. So, I may be missing something obvious to experienced users. Is there some reason Merkury is omitted from the list of compatible devices?


Merkury is a Tuya “brand”. Tuya makes devices that are sold under 100’s, if not 1000’s, of different names…

And therefore to be avoided.

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Thanks for the info. Though, I think the web site masters should make the term “Merkury” findable on the list of integrations.

Feel free to update the page with al the 1000’s names. You can do it :wink: