Why is my Home Assistant running so slowly

Hi all, this is the first time I post something on a forum so I’m not too sure on the procedures or information that people give. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (4GB) running Home Assistant, which is running so slowly!


  • Storage: Integral 128GB M.2 SATA ( Amazon.co.uk )
  • Case: Argon ONE M.2 for Raspberry Pi 4 ( Amazon.co.uk)
  • Zigbee Stick: Home Assistant SkyConnect

I installed Home Assistant Image using the Raspberry Pi Imiger and have kept it up to date. The main things I want it to do are to turn my hue lights on/off (Lights are connected to the hub not directly to Home Assistant), tp-link plugs on/off and to wake up on LAN my computer. However, when I give it a command it can take anywhere from 1 sec, to 5 min to respond, does anyone have any ideas as to why this is? I have about 25 devices connected currently and I think to myself that surely this is not enough to slow it down.

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