I just add my limitlessLed on HA, all is working fine, but when i restart HA, it the light is on, he turn of the lights and if the lights are off, he do a turn on turn of light.
I don’t add it on the automation, so it’s something happend automatically on restart and i don’t know why, where he do that.
Another thing is…my harmony hub command takes 3 seconds to fire. Is there a way to improse?
HA is on a raspberry pi 3 version 0.50.2 conneced on LAN.
The limitlessled api does not provide a way to get the current status of the lights. So to have a correct state within HA it needs to make sure all lights are off if you restart. That’s why they get turned on/off at the start.
Nah, it’s very annoying!
Syncing manually would be better IMO. If you also use the control remotes the state wont be sync anyways… and every time you’re struggling with something new and need to reboot a few times gets alot more annoying when you have to turn the lights back on.
My limitless lights are connected to a smart switch. So the current status is the last status. Assume the lights are blue before a restart. The lights change to a dim white afterwards.
What is much more annoying is that if you happen to close or open the smart switch during such restart, the lights automatically unsync. So it is a big nuisance for me too. I wish there was a way to not send any commands during restarts.
Good to know I’m not alone!
I stop using the limitless led component mostly because of the reboots and now I use MQTT with https://github.com/sidoh/esp8266_milight_hub to command my MiLights and also captures the signal of the MiLights control remotes so I get the state sync automatically. Rarely fails me to get them sync and never again had to turn the lights back on after a reboot