Am I missing something? I have some scenes that I created some time ago. They’re very handy. I found myself setting one scene at about the same time each day, I thought to myself, “Hey! I should just schedule this scene to be activated at the same time each day.” Surely, I thought, this will be something I can just do quickly from my smartphone. Ummm…Nope!
I went to configuration - automations - add new. Whoa! There is nothing that helps me select days of week, nothing that helps me enter time in the proper format. Nothing that helps at all. I know it’s possible, but clearly you have to have the documentation and samples at hand to figure it out. It’s more like programming than setting / configuring. Yikes!
There are a lot of really smart people contributing to this Home Assistant application. Why has this not been tackled yet? Or, has it been, and I’m just missing something?
Are you using the iOS app? I’m not familiar with it, but it does look like the web automation UI is somewhat lacking in this regard (and it’s likely the iOS app uses some part of the logic).
Home Assistant dev team has put a lot of effort into improving the UI based editors lately, but it’s bound to take time, until then, @cyn has proposed a solution based on automation.yaml.
I’m really just expressing befuddlement that there is not a simple, quick UI to do this particular use case. It seems a common one. It’s easy as pie in app’s like Wemo and Hue. Why is it so hard (coding-like) in HA?
I was using Chrome browser in Android. I’m not aware of any good Android app. But, there is one, Ariela (??) that is coming along nicely - still in infancy, though.