WiFi adapter on home assistant yellow

Has anyone tried to hook up a WiFi adapter to home assistant yello

So you have the standard HA-Yellow, without Bluetooth and WiFi correct? Why not use it via the home Wifi network via the standard ethernet port. (That is what I use, I use my network controller (Unifi) to tune my Wifi

Hi, 100% HA newbie here, so much to learn!

I have HA Yellow Standard also and was curious about your comment about wifi.
I have a heap of Wifi devices & Switchbot(wifi/BLE) I want to add to HA.

WiFi devices connect to your home network’s WiFi router or WiFi Access Points. The HA Yellow connects to your home network via its Ethernet wired connection. Thus, all of these devices are then connected to your home network, and can communicate with each other.

There is no need for WiFi networking on the HA Yellow hub, as it can ‘see’ everything on your home network, regardless of whether the devices are hard wired or connected wirelessly.

Hope that helps explain it.


Thanks, it does.

So far I’ve only got zigbee devices showing and a few other things like Philips Hue & Roborock etc added. Other zigbee devices added direct.

Good to know I don’t have to add wifi to the HA Yellow. I only started set up a few days ago.
Guessing there’s something more I need to do for those devices to show.

But believe for Bluetooth, I would either need to replace the CM4 to a CM4 Model B(integrated BLE) or get some type of USB adapter