I have several Wyze WiFi Cameras running Defang Camera Firmware. These are configured directly on the device to connect to MQTT Broker. This connection is working fine.
However, all these devices are making entries in my logs such as:
2023-10-30 23:09:32.902 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] MQTT entity name starts with the device name in your config {'name': 'outside_cam Motion Sensor', 'unique_id': '2caa8e8f8a6c-motion-sensor', 'device': {'identifiers': ['2caa8e8f8a6c'], 'connections': [['mac', '2c:aa:8e:8f:8a:6c']], 'manufacturer': 'Xiaomi', 'model': 'Dafang', 'name': 'outside_cam', 'sw_version': 'null - master - null'}, 'state_topic': 'myhome/outside_cam/motion', 'device_class': <BinarySensorDeviceClass.MOTION: 'motion'>, 'payload_off': 'OFF', 'force_update': False, 'qos': 0, 'payload_on': 'ON', 'payload_available': 'online', 'enabled_by_default': True, 'availability_mode': 'latest', 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'payload_not_available': 'offline'}, this is not expected. Please correct your configuration. The device name prefix will be stripped off the entity name and becomes 'Motion Sensor'
I’m aware of the Zigbee2MQTT / Home Assistant issues back in August. These cameras do not use Z2M. I’m not sure what I need to fix to clear up these messages. The cameras do not have any YAML configuration files to edit.
Not clear if I need to alter the DEVICE_NAME
on the camera’s mqtt.conf
to be something different?
The mqtt.conf
looks like:
# Define a location
# Define device name
# Define the base topic used by the camera
# Define an autodiscovery prefix, if autodiscovery is desired: