Hi. Currently i’m looking for a Wifi-enabled beacon receiver or gateway (with MQTT support) for room presence detection. Like what Estimote promises here. I know of Happy Bubbles. But are there any other similar products? My only issue right know is the problem with the lights. I want those beacons to work without any noticeable delay. Or can a HASS setup with Happy Bubbles be tweaked to fix this problem?
Another way is using your smartphone as the receiver. Greg Dowling did some writing about that.
Nice. So this is MQTT Gateway software for beacon detection for an ESP8266 board or Arduino. Would be nice if this could run on a Hassbian. Not sure how to receive beacon data from beacons from the hardware side. Just a regular bluetooth antenna?
It works either with esp8266 or arduino. It uses an hm10 with an incorporated antenna. At final you need the following hardware components :
*arduino + ethernet shield or esp8266