WIFI Plug GWF-S171 integration

it’d be great if home assistant would support this plug!

I’ve dug out the GWF-S171 plug because of these reasons:

the plug is being sold under several labels: WeConn, Ogemray, See-Time, Ferguson, iSmartAlarm as SP3G, and probably more oem’s.

Regarding the integration: Toms has already taken a deeper look at the plug:
This might be a good point to start for somebody who’s more versed than me…

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WARNING! Leak in IsmartAlarm. Dutch security wesbite, you can translate it with google translate: https://www.security.nl/posting/524278/Lek+in+slim+alarm+kan+aanvaller+controle+over+apparaat+en+klantdata+geven

Thanks @rmdejonge for mentioning this. Unfortunately this makes the plugs useless…