Window Blinds control (DIY MQTT)

Hi all

I allready build DIY window blind controller. (NodeMCU, Mosfet, 2-4pcs strong servos)

Tested now controller couple days with Mqtt.fx send mqtt commands to controller and blinds works very well.

Now bigger question what i need to ask you experts. My mqtt “protocoll” works now very simple way.

  • I send 2numbers to controller via mqtt.
  • first number: is degrees how much blinds open. second number: is speed how fast servos drive.
  • numbers scale is 0-9

Example if i send:
11 (Blinds open (1/9 degrees whole scale, and speed slowly 1)
91 (Blinds open totally 9/9, and speed are still 1)
99 (Blind open totally 9/9 and speed is fastest option 9)

Hopefully explained that good as i can with this english language skills :slight_smile:

Now i want control that blinds via Home assistant.

  • Maybe i can use slider both degrees and speed?
  • I want couple “buttons” too what i can press and blinds go some degrees open, with something speed.
  • I have zwave wall button what have 4buttons. Want to use that to open blinds and shutdown blinds.
  • One extra thinking is can i do some 2other button do like this:
    If i press upper button home assistant add that degrees number one every time when i click button. And when i click down button home assistant minus one number that degrees instruction. Then i can open and close blinds little bit of time with that zwave button. And after that i have that 2extra buttons what drive right away blinds totally open or totally closed?

Hope i explained my thinkings clearly. Of course if have some questions i try to answer them. I use normal Home assistant version. Allready thanks everyone who can help me with this project.

Can you provide picture?

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How are you power the blinds?

I cheaply made myself blind automation. True, it took a lot of time :slight_smile:

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