Windows phone not showing Lovelace anymore

Ok, it’s a quit ancient phone, a Lumia 950, but I still love it. Since a couple of days I get a Error while loading this panel message when I try to open Lovelace. The page states still works as do the config pages.

As far as I know I did not change anything tot the Lovelace config. When I try to open, I get the folowing errog:

## Log Details (ERROR)

Sun Dec 30 2018 12:03:49 GMT+0100 (Midden-Europese standaardtijd) Destructuring expressions can only have identifier references 

Lovelace works on all other systems here (windows, android, Edge/Chrome/Firefox). Anyone any clue? Already cleared cache, restarted the phone…


I can’t help you with your question but just wanted to lend some emotional support :slight_smile: Windows phone was by far the best phone operating system ever (IMHO). It’s such a shame that MS had no idea how to promote/market it and that so many other big names and all the Apple fanboy media were so snooty about it.

I was with it from the beginning until a year ago (also a 950) when I finally succumbed.
Android is at best ok, but there is so much about it I still can’t stand or get used to.

I still miss many things about Windows Phone but I must admit that I love knowing that if I want an app to do something I can get it.

Anyway, sorry for the nostalgia break, hopefully someone will answer your question…


Thanks for your kind words… So true :pensive:

The good news is that suddenly it started to work again. I went from:


Now everything works except for the mini-media-player, which has never worked on my phone. Notice also the top color, the first one (pinkish) is right…

Well, at least I can manage my lighting from my phone again…

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Try go to the store and install ‘Home Assistant Night Clock with Voice Control’

I can access the HA.
It need a long live token, generated in the HA dashboard, and put in the settings.

Lumia 950XL here.

Hi Athena,

Tnx for your reply, thing is I replaced my Lumia a long time ago for a 1Plus (6T), so no more need for solutions for my 950. But, thanks again. really kind to mention this app in this old tread!~
