I’ve had my wirelesstag sensors hooked up to my HA since 0.8X, but in the last week they have suddenly failed to load. They were working were after I initially updated to 0.94.X but I don’t think the issue is due to the update. I am currently running 0.94.3.
I get two notifications on my overview page, one says:
Error: unable to login to wirelesstag.net - check your credentials
And the other says:
the following components and platforms could not be set up:
- wirelesstag
- wirelesstag.binary_sensor
- wirelesstag.sensor
- wirelesstag.switch
please check your config.
I have checked that my credentials are correct in my secrets.yaml file and also temporarily tried moving them directly to my configuration.yaml file, but still am unable to resolve the issue.
Is anyone else having trouble with their wirelesstag sensors?
Did you get this fixed? Everything was updated and working fine except the Hassio supervisor. I updated that and now I get dark sky and wireless tag login errors.
Did you ever get this to work? I’m having the same issue. Not clear from the various posts, what the solution is? Do you need to add to trusted_networks?
I’m using HAOS 4.17 and HA 118.5 as well. IAre you using trusted_networks? It’s unclear if this is needed. I’m also seeing below following warnings in the core logs.
Yes. I’m using trusted_networks. I have an IP_ban file in my config directory generated from invalid login attempts by the Tag Manager. However, even with the ban, I get sensor updates and notifications. This integration clearly needs some work.