Withings Integration - Service unavailable


I followed the setup of Withings integration but I have a bug.

  • I created the app development
  • Home assistant instance is available from outside
  • Edit configuration.yaml with the two keys and the base_url (client_id & client_secret)
  • Restarted home assistant

When I want to add withings integration, Home assistant open a new tab to the withings api but I fall on error.

Here is a screenshot of the error.

The url is this one (I replaced my domain and the client_id)


My developper app was created since 4 march.

Any clue ? I miss something ?

I got exactly the same error…

It looks like the error is on the server end of Withings.

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I’ve opened a ticket on Withings support. Hopefully will hear something back from them shortly. :slight_smile:

Yes I did the same saturday and replied today.

The reply is this

I think the support sent the problem to the right team inside withings.

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Hopefully I’ve added a bit more pressure for them. :laughing:

You reply on the topic at the same time as Withings support by email ;D

Someone from the API Team asking me to test and give the exact time when I test.

If I have more information, I keep you informed.

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Thanks a lot. :slight_smile:

Great news !!!


It’s working now with my home assistant instance.

Working for you too ?

Yes, it’s working now! Happy. :slight_smile:
Thanks for your help.

Have you gotten all entities working? In my integration only some of the entities (like Weight) are working, but many others are listed as “Unavailable” in HA.