Withings Integration woes

I have installed this integration.
I get entities created but they all say unknown for their value.
I think I may be entering the wrong profile details in the pop up in ha, (just after the redirect to authorize your app)
Should I enter the name of the app I created? My withings email? My withings name?
I’ve tried these but like I say I get entities but they say unknown.
Any help appreciated

@Davecl did you ever get any clarification on this? I am running into the same issue trying to get the Withings Sleep Mat to work with HA. I’ve tried my full name, first name last initial, first name, and email address and cannot get the “in_bed” sensor to say anything but unavailable. The instructions that I have found all say that after adding the integration, you will need to get into or out of bed for Withings to send an update and your “in_bed” sensor will go from unavailable to available. So… I have added the integration, gotten in and out of bed, checked the “in_bed” sensor, deleted the integration, added the integration again with another option for the profile name, gotten in and out of bed, checked the “in_bed” sensor, repeated ad nauseam. My wife is on the phone with a psychotherapist and has a divorce lawyer on speed dial now that she thinks I have gone insane.

No, sorry, I never got anywhere with this.
I can only assume all the APIs have changed so the integration no longer works.
I have given up on it.