Wiz lights trying to access HA on port 38900

I have HA on a mgmt VLAN which can access my Wiz lights sitting in the IOT VLAN (which of course can’t access the mgmt VLAN).

The Wiz lights have been set up and appear to be working in HA. However I’m seeing constant blocked traffic in my pfsense firewall from the Wiz lights trying to access HA on port 38900.

Why are the lights trying to do this and is this expected behaviour? If so I’ll go ahead and add a rule to allow the traffic through.

I’ve dug around but can’t seem to find anything.


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Today I’ve realized same thing… I applied some FW rules for inter VLAN communications and it´s blocking traffic towards 38900 port of HA server.
I don´t know what’s that… but it seems not to affect my home assistant functions.