WLED + HA + different home?

Hello everyone!
I have a question I can’t work out how to answer.

I have a little dinosaur that I’ve modified to have an ESP8266 running WLED inside.
He looks cute, no? (I’m not actually uploading a photo because it doesn’t actually matter what it looks like!)

I want to give this dino-light to a friend so they can take it home and have a cute dino-light.
But I also want to be able to control the dino-light from my Home Assistant.
(The idea is we each have a dino and we can each control the other dino and send “messages” via the light colour, effect, etc.)

But how do I make HA talk to the WLED on another network?

WLED doesn’t (yet) support WireGuard, so I can’t just have it tunnel back into my network.

I have tried setting up a Pi Zero W as a gateway between the “remote” WiFi and my home network via WireGuard. The dino light connects to the Pi Hotspot fine, but I cannot see it or connect to it from my home network, and HA certainly doesn’t automatically discover it.

It’s probable that I’ve done something wrong! Please point this out if I have!

Has anyone done something like this before?
Do you have any tips on making something like this work?

Maybe the third party Remote Home Assistant integration?

You still need to set up a second Home Assistant server with remote access.