WLED Script to alternate between effects every 5 minutes

You could add the array of effects to an input_select and change the action of the automation to select the next one. Or you could use an input_number to save which entry from the array you are on and add 1 to it every time the action runs (resetting it to zero when it gets to the last one), so yeah there’s ways to do it, but I’d need the full list of effects you want to use and the order you want them in.

If you’re willing. :). THE WLED link above has all of the effects and their effect id . Any effects you include will help give me an idea of how it works, so doesn’t matter which.

I need to know what homeassistant calls them.

Effect ID: 53
Effect name: Halloween

Effect ID: 57
Effect name: Lightning

Effect ID: 82
Effect name: Halloween_Eyes

Those are the behind the scenes effect names.

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No worries, I’ll knock something up in the morning :+1:

In your configuration.yaml

      - Halloween
      - Lightning
      - Halloween_Eyes

In your automations

  - alias: Swap led effects 
      platform: time 
      minutes: '/5'
      condition: state
      entity_id: light.wled
      state: 'on' 
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.wled
          effect: "{{ states('input_select.led_effects') }}" 
      - service: input_select.select_next
        entity_id: input_select.led_effects
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This looks promising. I’ll give it a shot today and report back. Thank you for the responses.

Edit: My testing was delayed, but back to say the script is working great. Thank you!!! That’s twice now you’ve saved the day for me. Greatly appreciated.

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If i wanted to just run this section as an action

service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.wled
        effect: >
            ] | random

How can i add time platform into it

Sorry, you’ve lost me? The automation you copied that from runs every 5 minutes.

Sorry i try and explain, this is my automation below, for the trigger i want to set up a playlist similar to your script to cycle trough random efffects every 5 minutes

alias: Calendar lights on
  description: Turn on Christmas lights based on calendar events/state
  - entity_id: calendar.christmas_lights
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{is_state_attr(''calendar.christmas_lights'', ''message'',  
      ''Christmas Lights'') }}'
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.wled
      effect: "{{\n  [ \n    \"colorloop\",\n    \"strobe\",\n    \"police\"\n  ]\
        \ | random\n}}\n"
    entity_id: light.wledaj

i want to cyle through the different effects within the action

You can’t do it like that.

You could set an input boolean with that automation, and then have another automation that runs every 5 minutes, with a condition that the input boolean is on, and then my template as the action.

what about a data template or condition

That’s not how automations work. Your current automation fires once when calendar.christmas_lights turns on, you can’t cycle the action indefinitely. You must have another automation that triggers on a time pattern to achieve this.

Thanks I have it working now is it possible to set pallet effect and brightness and intensity within your action

I don’t know tbh, I don’t use effects here so I don’t know what other keys can work with the effect key.

Let’s say you can add brightness_pct and you wanted it to be 100% if the sun is up and 50% otherwise, it would look something like this…

service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.wled
  effect: >
      ] | random
  brightness_pct: >
    {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %} 100
    {% else %} 50 {% endif %} 

But as I say I don’t know what will or won’t work alongside the effect key.

With the Help of Frenck on Discord the script above has been tided up a bit

alias: Christmas Lights effects
  description: Christmas light effects
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: '20'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: light.wledaj
    state: 'on'
      - Colorloop
      - Dancing Shadows
      - Glitter
      - Colortwinkles
  - service: light.turn_on
      effect: "{{ effects | random }}"
    entity_id: light.wledaj
  mode: single

- Halloween
- Lightning
- Halloween_Eyes

So, this worked great for Halloween, now I want to make one for Xmas, but not sure how to flex the existing setup you sent to have a separate but similar thing for Christmas lights. I tried to create a separate instance of:
- xmas1
- xmas2
- xmas3

But seems we can only have one at a time?

In the original automation you helped me with (referenced in the beginning of this thread), you helped me specify individual effect names in the automation itself. With wled, is there an automation where I can specify specific effects? That way, maybe I can add every effect into the input select and call out individual effects in the automation. This seemed related, so I didn’t create a new thread, but I can. Thank you!

You can use 2 input selects, syntax would be…

      - Halloween
      - Lightning
      - Halloween_Eyes
      - xmas1
      - xmas2
      - xmas3

Then update your previous automation to add the halloween_ bit to the entity_id.

Then copy/paste that automation, and change halloween to christmas in the pasted one.

Which yaml file do you actually put this code into? Scripts?

Merry Xmas! :christmas_tree:

@Paxonator I added it the automations.yaml file. Created a new blank automation, switched over to Edit in YAML mode, and pasted the code.

I had been looking for a simple way to cycle through all of WLED’s predefined effects. I modified @Yammers version above to make a Home Assistant automation that will randomly cycle through all listed WLED effects on a set interval. Pulled the list of effects from the repo’s List of effects and palettes wiki page. Tested working with HA version 2021.12.5.

# Modified from examples found here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/wled-script-to-alternate-between-effects-every-5-minutes/227553/39
# List of all effects: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/List-of-effects-and-palettes
alias: WLED Cycle Random Effects
description: Sets WLED to random effect from list on interval while WLED remains on.
  - platform: device
    type: turned_on
    device_id: 94b3087d775f6f1a48286fc1e0230d6a # update to match device_id
    entity_id: light.wled # update to match entity_id
    domain: light
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: '/20'
  - condition: device
    type: is_on
    device_id: 94b3087d775f6f1a48286fc1e0230d6a # update to match device_id
    entity_id: light.wled # update to match entity_id
    domain: light
  - service: light.turn_on
      effect: '{{ effects | random }}'
    entity_id: light.wled
  - service: number.set_value
      entity_id: number.wled_intensity
      value: '196'
  - service: number.set_value
      entity_id: number.wled_speed
      value: '184'
    #- Solid               #   0 -   Solid primary color on all LEDs
    #- Blink               #   1 -   Blinks between primary and secondary color
    - Breathe             #   2 -   Fades between primary and secondary color
    - Wipe                #   3 -   Switches between primary and secondary, switching LEDs one by one, start to end
    - Wipe Random         #   4 -   Same as Wipe, but uses random colors
    - Random Colors       #   5 -   Applies a new random color to all LEDs
    - Sweep               #   6 -   Switches between primary and secondary, switching LEDs one by one, start to end to start
    - Dynamic             #   7 -   Sets each LED to a random color     127: Set single LED 128 255: Set all LEDs
    - Colorloop           #   8 -   Cycle all LEDs through the rainbow colors       127: Pastel colors 128  255: Saturated colors
    - Rainbow             #   9 -   Displays rainbow colors along the whole strip
    - Scan                #  10 -  A single primary colored light wanders between start and end
    - Dual Scan           #  11 -  Same as Scan but uses two lights starting at both ends
    - Fade                #  12 -  Fades smoothly between primary and secondary color
    - Theater             #  13 -  Pattern of one lit and two unlit LEDs running
    - Theater Rainbow     #  14 -  Same as Theater but uses colors of the rainbow
    - Running             #  15 -  Sine Waves scrolling
    - Saw                 #  16 -  Sawtooth Waves scrolling
    - Twinkle             #  17 -  Random LEDs light up in the primary color with secondary as background, turns all off
    - Dissolve            #  18 -  Fills LEDs with primary in random order, then off again
    - Dissolve Rnd        #  19 -  Fills LEDs with random colors in random order, then off again
    - Sparkle             #  20 -  Single random LEDs light up in the primary color for a short time, secondary is background
    - Sparkle Dark        #  21 -  All LEDs are lit in the primary color, single random LEDs turn off for a short time
    - Sparkle+            #  22 -  All LEDs are lit in the primary color, multiple random LEDs turn off for a short time
    - Strobe              #  23 -  All LEDs are lit in the secondary color, all LEDs flash in a single short burst in primary color
    - Strobe Rainbow      #  24 -  Same as strobe, cycles through the rainbow
    - Strobe Mega         #  25 -  All LEDs are lit in the secondary color, all LEDs flash in several short bursts in primary color
    - Blink Rainbow       #  26 -  Same as blink, cycles through the rainbow
    - Android             #  27 -  Section of varying length running
    - Chase               #  28 -  2 LEDs in primary color running on secondary
    - Chase Random        #  29 -  Like Chase but leaves trail of random color
    - Chase Rainbow       #  30 -  Like 28 but leaves trail of rainbow
    - Chase Flash         #  31 -  2 LEDs flash in secondary color while the rest is lit in primary. The flashing LEDs wander from start to end
    - Chase Flash Rnd     #  32 -  Like Chase Flash, but the 2 LEDs flash in random colors and leaves a random color behind
    - Rainbow Runner      #  33 -  Like Chase, but the 2 LEDs light up in rainbow colors and leave a primary color trail
    - Colorful            #  34 -  Shifting Red        Green   Blue pattern    0   127: Pastel colors 128  255: Saturated colors
    - Traffic Light       #  35 -  Emulates a traffic light
    - Sweep Random        #  36 -  Like Sweep, but uses random colors
    - Running 2           #  37 -  Pattern of n LEDs primary and n LEDs secondary moves along the strip
    - Aurora              #  38 -  Simulation of the Aurora Borealis
    - Stream              #  39 -  Flush bands random hues along the string
    - Scanner             #  40 -  Dot moves between ends, leaving behing a fading trail
    - Lighthouse          #  41 -  Dot moves from start to end, leaving behing a fading trail
    - Fireworks           #  42 -  Random color blobs light up, then fade again
    - Rain                #  43 -  Like Fireworks, but the blobs move
    - Merry Christmas     #  44 -  Running 2, but always uses red and green
    - Fire Flicker        #  45 -  LEDs randomly flickering
    - Gradient            #  46 -  Moves a saturation gradient of the primary color along the strip
    - Loading             #  47 -  Moves a sawtooth pattern along the strip
    - Police              #  48 -  A red and a blue dot running
    - Police All          #  49 -  Two areas, one red and one blue, sweeping
    - Two Dots            #  50 -  Like Police, but with custom colors
    - Two Areas           #  51 -  Like Police All, but with custom colors
    - Circus              #  52 -  Pattern of secondary, red and white
    - Halloween           #  53 -  Running 2, but always uses orange and purple
    - Tri Chase           #  54 -  Like Chase, but with 3 colors
    - Tri Wipe            #  55 -  Like Wipe but turns LEDs off as "third color"
    - Tri Fade            #  56 -  Fades the whole strip from primary color to secondary color to off
    - Lightning           #  57 -  Short random white strobe similar to a lightning bolt
    - ICU                 #  58 -  Two "eyes" running on opposite sides of the strip
    - Multi Comet         #  59 -  Like Scanner, but creates multiple trails
    - Scanner Dual        #  60 -  Like Scanner, but with two dots running on opposite sides
    - Stream 2            #  61 -  Flush random hues along the string
    - Oscillate           #  62 -  Areas of primary and secondary colors move between opposite ends, combining colors where they touch
    - Pride 2015          #  63 -  Rainbow cycling with brightness variation
    - Juggle              #  64 -  Eight colored dots running, leaving trails
    - Palette             #  65 -  Running color palette
    - Fire 2012           #  66 -  Simulates flickering fire in red and yellow
    - Colorwaves          #  67 -  Like Pride 2015, but uses palettes
    - BPM                 #  68 -  Pulses moving back and forth on palette
    - Fill Noise          #  69 -  Noise pattern
    - Noise 1             #  70 -  Fast Noise shift pattern
    - Noise 2             #  71 -  Fast Noise shift pattern
    - Noise 3             #  72 -  Noise shift pattern
    - Noise 4             #  73 -  Noise sparkle pattern
    - Colortwinkles       #  74 -  LEDs light up randomly in random colors and fade off again
    - Lake                #  75 -  Calm palette waving
    - Meteor              #  76 -  The primary color creates a trail of randomly decaying color
    - Meteor Smooth       #  77 -  Smoothly animated meteor
    - Railway             #  78 -  Shows primary and secondary color on alternating LEDs. All LEDs fade to their opposite color and back again
    - Ripple              #  79 -  Effect resembling random water ripples
    - Twinklefox          #  80 -  FastLED gentle twinkling with slow fade in/out
    - Twinklecat          #  81 -  Twinkling with fast in / slow out
    - Halloween Eyes      #  82 -  One Pair of blinking eyes at random intervals along strip
    - Solid Pattern       #  83 -  Speed sets number of LEDs on, intensity sets off
    - Solid Pattern Tri   #  84 -  Solid Pattern with three colors
    - Spots               #  85 -  Solid lights with even distance
    - Spots Fade          #  86 -  Spots, getting bigger and smaller
    - Glitter             #  87 -  Rainbow with white sparkles
    - Candle              #  88 -  Flicker resembling a candle flame
    - Fireworks Starburst #  89 -  Exploding multicolor fireworks
    - Fireworks 1D        #  90 -  one dimension fireworks with flare
    - Bouncing Balls      #  91 -  Bouncing ball effect
    - Sinelon             #  92 -  Fastled sinusoidal moving eye
    - Sinelon Dual        #  93 -  Sinelon from both directions
    - Sinelon Rainbow     #  94 -  Sinelon in rainbow colours
    - Popcorn             #  95 -  popping kernels
    - Drip                #  96 -  Water dripping effect
    - Plasma              #  97 -  Plasma lamp
    - Percent             #  98 -  Lights up a percentage of segment
    - Ripple Rainbow      #  99 -  Like ripple, but with a dimly lit changing background
    - Heartbeat           # 100 - led strip pulsing rhythm similar to a heart beat
    - Pacifica            # 101 - Gentle, blue        Intensity of waves
    - Candle Multi        # 102 - Like candle effect, but each LED has it's own flicker pattern
    - Solid Glitter       # 103 - Like Glitter, but with solid color background
    - Sunrise             # 104 - Simulates a gradual sunrise or sunset. Speed sets:           0         60: sunrise time in minutes, 61     120: sunset time in minutes     60, above: "breathing" rise and set    Sun intensity
    - Phased              # 105 - Sine waves (in sourcecode)
    - TwinkleUp           # 106 - Twinkle effect with fade        Amount of Twinkles
    - Noise Pal           # 107 - Peaceful noise that's slow and with gradually changing palettes
    - Sine                # 108 - Controllable sine waves
    - Phased Noise        # 109 - Noisy sine waves
    - Flow                # 110 - Blend of palette and spot effects
    - Chunchun            # 111 - Birds flying in a circle formation
    - Dancing Shadows     # 112 - Moving spotlights
    - Washing machine     # 113 - Alternating direction (in source)
    - Candy Cane          # 114 - Running 2 in Red & White
    - Blends              # 115 - Blends random colors across palette
    - TV Simulator        # 116 - TV light spill simulation
    - Dynamic Smooth      # 117 - Link Dynamic but with smooth palette blends
mode: single

Github Gist


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