Working on integration for Hisense AEH-W4A1 module

Hi, I Have two module AEH-W4E1 with a air conditioner Lamborghini.
I’m italian, ready for any test

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guyssss… no one can help us? :frowning:

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Guys with W4E1 if you give me your telegram contact I can make a group chat to solve this problem helping eachother! Come on, in a few days the temperature is raising in Italy and it’s time to test it! :laughing: :slight_smile:



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@byxil @belladieg Read my last message! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Ciao, anche io sono italiano e sono interessato pure io a risolvere il problema dell’integrazione in HA del modulo W4E1.
Forse ho contattato Nicola su telegram ma non so se è il Nicola giusto

HI, for the protocol AEH-W4E1, try to see here, deiger has create a repo and a beta integration with a mqtt comunication

edit: … and work awesome !!


Ciao Giuliano
ho anchi’io 3 split Hisense con il modulo AEH-W4E1 e sto cercando di integrarli in HA.
Potresti dirmi come hai fatto e magari sperrmi la card che hai pubblicato ??
[email protected]

Sto cercando di integrare in Hassio il modulo W4E1 … riesco a vederlo come integrazione MQTT ma da li poi … nulla. Mi puoi dare una mano ? Grazie

Ciao Giuliano
ho anchi’io 3 split Hisense con il modulo AEH-W4E1 e sto cercando di integrarli in HA.
Potresti dirmi come hai fatto e magari sperrmi la card che hai pubblicato ??
[email protected]

Hi, Lucio,
speak english in this forum
just load mqtt and this integration from github

the card is simple thermostat from hacs

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Hi all
I installed the addon through hassio, following this guide:
In the HomeAssistant UI, enter Supervisor → Add-on Store.
Click ⋮ menu → Repositories.
Add GitHub - deiger/AirCon: Scripts for controlling Air Conditioners, e.g. with HiSense modules. to the list.
Choose HiSense Air Conditioner and install it.

I modified the configuration file as I attach in this photo, but on saving I get the indicated error

but, mqtt-user is realy an user of your mqtt addon?
in my configuration I have entered a username that I have also configured in other devices and it works correctly.

for mqtt_host parameter, I insert the value localhost, I don’t know if core-mosquitto it’s an accepted value

yes mqtt-user is an user of HA that i use in other addons that require mqtt
if you look at the error, it seems that whatever value I put, it is not acknowledged.
I enter mqtt-user but the error indicates “mqtt_user: None” and not “mqtt_user: mqtt-user”

I donn’t know, this is my configuration

log_level: INFO
mqtt_host: localhost
mqtt_user: mosquitto
mqtt_pass: password_mqtt
port: 8888
  - username: [email protected]
    password: password_mail
    code: hismart-eu

Can you send me lovelace code for this?

thx you.
I have solved.
Update HA. Restart. Unistall addon and reinstall.
same config
now works

This is the lovelace code

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.salotto_air
name: Salotto
theme: dark_orange
icon: mdi:snowflake
step_size: 1
  - entity: climate.salotto_air
	name: Stato clima
  - entity: sensor.humidity_salotto
	name: Umidità
  - entity: sensor.temperatura_esterna
	name: Temp. esterna
	entity_id: switch.centrale_salotto
	name: Alette ▲▼
  temperature: Temperatura
  _headings: false
	'off': true
	fan_only: false
	heat: true
	cool: true
	auto: false
	  name: Secco
	  name: null
	  icon: mdi:fan
	  name: min
	  name: bassa
	  name: media
	  name: alta
	  name: max
style: |
  ha-card {
	--st-font-size-title: 40px;
	--st-font-size-xl: 60px;
	--st-font-size-sensors: 20px; 
	--st-mode-background: rgb(138,149,155, 0.2);
	--st-spacing: 2px;  
  ha-card {
	background: rgb(200,200,200, 0.3) !important;
	color: rgb(255,152,0)!important;
  .mode-item {

	color: rgb(250,250,250,0.4)!important;
	border-radius: 8px!important;
  ha-card {
	--ha-card-background: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0);  

hello, I installed the the componet with success, just 1 question, how can I configure to manage more than 1 Conditioner?

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Hi guys,
I resume this discussion because I have a question related to these modules for the remote control of Hisense units that I have already installed.
The various versions (W4A1, W4E1, and W4B1) simply use different protocols but are they compatible with each Hisense unit or is it necessary to use the one for the specific air conditioner?
Of course, in case they are interchangeable, I would buy the HA compatible version.


Any work for AEH-W4G2 ? :slight_smile:

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