Wrong time database

I don’t know if it’s a bug or I have done something wrong but I see in my database data, that the time of them are wrong in fact there is the +00::00 time of London and not my + 02:00 time of Europe.
I have checked also and I set up in the configuration file my correct time_zone.

Some one with an Idea?

Have you checked that the operating system is using your local timezone? What does date show on the command line?

Yes my raspberry pi uses the local timezone and also the terminal confirmed it:
@Fri 21 Jul 10:20:28 CEST 2017.
I also noted that after when I open my database file and I view the data and reopen they(data) was deleted.

I understand that HA always uses UTC internally, and translates that to the user timezone for user interactions.

ok, so in my database, i have to add 2 hours to the time column?

For the rest of the summer, yes. If your clocks are changed back in the autumn, it will be 1 hour difference after that.