Im using the new calendar.listevent to give a an overview of my calendar tasks for today.
For this i get telegram messages for my different calendars showing me whats inside.
In some calendars I got tasks with times.
Those times are shown incorrectly inside my telegram message.
For example today.
In my calendar is the task “Tetra” from 15.00 to 16.00.
My telegram does show this task beginning at 13.00.
But I dont find my mistake.
Here is the code for telegram message:
service: notify.telegramalle
message: >-
{% for event in vertretertasks.events %} {{ as_timestamp(event.start) |
timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }} Uhr: {{event.summary}} {% endfor %}
title: "*Vertreter:*"
Before this I called the calendar.listevent and stored the events in vertretertasks.