Wrong username/password while using cloudflared

I have read similar posts about not being able to log in but I think this might be something different.

I believe it worked from start, I primarily use the mobile app, and just occasionally logged in from a web interface. But it would be good to access HA from a computer sometimes…

So I figured out the username (not the full name shown in the bottom left). Confirmed password as well as created a new password that I copied in plain text to actually know what it is. When logging in, i get a wrong credentials warning.

I then created a new user, again with a password I copied from plain text. Same error again and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I have tried on three different devices, all with the same result. I haven’t tried with other browsers but safari I should add.

Any suggestions?

Hi, are you running some other authentication on top of it (2fa).
Have you exposed your system to be able to access from the net, and is your IP banned?

Out of those, external access using cloudflared. I guess you are on to something. Just tried logging in using cloudflared and it works!

It would be great if I could have local access in case something happens. If there is a solution to it?

Thanks for leading me in the right direction, one less hurdle.

I don’t use cloudflared but maybe it’s not a bad idea to change the topic title and at least add cloudflared to it so it might attract the right help.

How do you access your HA from your LAN?

Thanks, did that.

Accessing through local ip address, gets me to login screen but no further.