WTH - All-in-one heating/thermostat control with schedules

I have been using Home Assistant for many years now and in that time I have integrated more and more third-party devices and services into the system. Unfortunately, what I still miss is the option of out-of-the-box heating control. Although it is possible to change the temperature of thermostats, create automation for time control and define heating periods using the timer function - but that’s all very complicated. I also tested the “scheduler component and card”. This allows me to define time periods. But if I want a thermostat to set different times on 3 different days, I have to create 3 schedulers. Most of these functions are also reserved for system administrators. Other family members who “just want to use” the system lack a simple and clear option in form of an integration or function including a user-friendly front end, for example to create weekly schedules on a daily basis with different temperatures and possibly a presence detection.

In summary, I still miss a comprehensive heating/thermostat control system to completely replace other systems (such as homematic). That is more important to me (and certainly others) than the integrated voice control.

I would love to see that.
I have a similar problem with my central ventilation system. I would love a way to turn my ventilation up or down on fixed times of the day/week.
currently the helper schedule is just on/off. but i would love to see it expanded so that i could set some kind of value instead of just on/off.
that way i could create a single automation that handles the setting of how powerful ventilation should be.