When working on an automation, it would be nice to have all things I need in one list, instead of having to navigate back-and-forth from Settings > Automations and Scenes > Automations to Settings > Devices and Services > Entities, etc.
Now we have powerful filtering in the tables, it would be possible to create a single table with “everything”. I could then apply a filter on that table and have everything related to what I’m working on in one screen.
Ah, now I understand what you mean. In theory, that’s correct. But e.g. for automations, the entities table shows the associated entity for each automation. To edit an automation, that would be another extra click from the entity dialog.
The table I talked about would be an interim solution. In the end, we would need a way to group everything you need for an automation. And not only group existing things, but also the ability to create things from that same overview. Like creating a helper without leaving the automation screen, and editing an entity in a pop-up without leaving the automation screen either.