Once all my stuff is configured, I really don’t want/need auto discovery at all. And it just wastes compute and network resources.
@Djelibeybi And as you already know since you were in the thread… there was also that one case where Home Kit Controller tortured me with a cumulative 60+ discoveries of the same (likely faulty) LIFX bulb which I kept having to ignore only for it to pop up again… I would have loved to just disable discovery by HKC… Instead I had to spend another $50 to replace the bulb which otherwise was working find to make the incessant discoveries stop. +1 from me
Yes, like iBeacon!!
Discovery is not just used for “discovering” the first time. One of its bigger functions is actually keeping existing devices/configurations updated.
Yeah, but I don’t want that either. Or at least, I want to be able to decide which devices get to be automatically reconfigured and which don’t.
You can do both of these things.
here’s how you disable discovery:
# discovery:
Here’s how you disable discovery per integration
- yamaha
- logitech_mediaserver
Also, the list in the documents is not up to date, there’s way more discovery integrations that can be ignored.
That’s awesome, thanks!
Keep in mind, you’re going to have to move from default_config to a managed config. Basically, you have to look at the default config integration docs, remove default_config from configuration.yaml, then add all the integrations listed in the default_config docs. Takes about 10 minutes to do but then you’ll have full control of your configuration and you can remove anything you don’t want to use.
It’s also pretty limited, e,g. HomeKit can be disabled but not zeroconf. I’ll have to look into how the list is generated so I can look into adding lifx
to the list.
You can disable zeroconf by
# zeroconf:
It’s also a part of default_config
D’uh, of course.
It should be simpler than this.
Even though there is this workaround, this WTH still applies as the workaround is far from ideal. Disabling an integration is useful when there is more than one for the same device such as ecobee, lifx, roku, etc.
This isn’t a work around. This is the intended way to disable anything in home assistant.
Forcing one to do away with default_config: and therefore enable/disable everything manually just to disable one integration does not sound like a proper approach. It may have been originally, but with the number of integrations I’d say it definitely is no longer. Of course, if default_config were improved with ignore/disable options as frequently requested, then it should work well.
It’s been stated multiple times over the past 3 years that this is the intended way. A pr was rejected less than 4 months ago to change this. Sorry.
Can you provide step by step instructions for amateurs? I don’t what you are referring to here.
# discovery: