I’ve got a bunch of input helpers that I’d like to exclude from recorder, and I add helpers from time to time. They have in common that their names all end with _backup.
I’d like to be able to define:
- input_._backup
so that I don’t forget to add a new one when I create it.
Ideally, this would not require a restart of Home Assistant either.
Thanks for that feedback. I wouldn’t have been able to figure out that “globs” is some sort of synonym for wildcards. For me, globs sound like what you get with you have a severe cold or cough .
I’ve not been able to find that other topic you mentioned about (not) needing a restart when changing the exclude/include definitions.
The glob command, short for global, originates in the earliest versions of Bell Labs’ Unix.[1] The command interpreters of the early versions of Unix (1st through 6th Editions, 1969–1975)
Maybe what we really need is a WTH for the documentation on this rather than for the future itself. The feature is there, but the documentation is in developer specific language rather than end user language